

Authentication Demo by using GOWIN SecureFPGA
This Demonstration video is from a student project in Gowin University Program. Specially thanks to Qin Liang, Qiang Zhou, Jin Wu and Professor Dr. Yunlong Shao at New York Institute of Technology(NYiT). Summary from this project: The goal of this authentication project that creates an example for Gowin’s customers showing them how to perform device authentication was achieved. Two Gowin secure fpga boards were used for this authentication project. The version of the boards is DK-START-GW1NS2 V2.1. Host device sends a random number to a client device which is used to create a signature by client device. After that Host verified this signed signature using the client’s public key and the random number it sent before. This is the typical authentication procedure that uses the Intrinsic ID ECDSA signature generation and verification algorithm.

Webinar: How To Secure Devices With An SRAM PUF-Based Unclonable Identity Using GOWIN Secure FPGA
Mr. Grant Jennings and Mr. Vincent van der Leest help you design Gowin Secure FPGA with PUF technology

Introduction to GOWIN Secure FPGA
Grant Jennings, Director of International Marketing at GOWIN, walks through Secure FPGA features and demonstrates applications between AWS and End point device with GOWIN Secure solution.