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Listen to Your Voices and Let Us Know Your Needs
GOWIN EDA (Gowin® EDA) – our easy to use integrated design environment provides design engineers one-stop solution from design entry to verification.
- Complete GUI based environment from FPGA design entry, code synthesis, place & route, bitsteam generation to download on the GOWIN FPGA on your boards.
- Integrates in-house GowinSynthesis for front end design synthesis
- Supports creating RTL and Post-Synthesis.
- RTL input files are RTL file complied with Hardware Description
- Language and constraints file that users require;
- Post-synthesis input files are netlist file generated by user RTL
- Synthesis and constraints files that users require.
- Integrates IP Core Generator
- Online debug tool Gowin Analysis Oscilloscope (GAO) for instant analyze of signal design
GOWIN's official choice in simulation solutions is Metrics Design Automation's DSim. Designers never have to think again about whether they can afford to simulate or whether their simulator is up to the job. Now all GOWIN FPGA designers have a world-class simulator with unlimited resources at their fingertips from a single server to thousands of nodes if they need to finish a large test very quickly. True freedom to design and deliver.
Full Tutorial on DSim Desktop:
Full Tutorial on DSim Desktop for GOWIN
Sign up today and test drive DSim cloud here: