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GOWIN's Multi-Channel Spatial Audio Solution


3D Spatial Audio is a rapidly-emerging consumer electronics segment. GOWIN Semiconductor has developed a different way of creating 3D Spatial Audio. Our solution produces sound waves that users' brains detect at only one ear at a time without a headset, and we use this to produce an immersive home theater surround sound experience from a single loudspeaker array. This greatly simplifies home theater systems, opening an upscale niche into a mass market




  • Original psychoacoustic technology
  • Unique sound waves for each ear, spatially encoded
  • Effective for many listeners in a large area
  • Wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling immersive experience
  • Produces a multi-channel immersive sound experience from a single smart speaker
  • MUCH louder than ANY other multi-channel speaker of similar size



Configuration and Scales


Linear arrays

  • 8 or more speakers
  • 1.75" or greater spacing
  • Array width 14" or greater


3D-Cluster arrays

  • 8 or more speakers 
  • Fits in cylinderic shape 
  • 8" diameter and 8" height 



 More Surround Sound From Less Hardware


  • Algorithm drives all amplifiers and speakers with all the channels all the time
  • All hardware is producing EACH channel
  • Result: +18dB louder sound per channel (1 speaker @ 1 Watt vs. 8 speakers @ 1 Watt each)
  • Lower cost for greater SPL
  • Multi-channel soundbars can be more compact
  • TVs and gaming monitors with embedded micro-speakers can produce impressive surround sound with clearer, more powerful center-channel speech/dialog intelligibility


Total System Architecture 


GOWIN's signal processing has been architected for easy implementation into cost-effective consumer products. Its input is compatible with typical "upstream" modules used in many AV receivers and other popular consumer audio products, and its output is compatible with many popular 2-channel and 4-channel Class-D power amplifier ICs. It is capable of being operated as a co-processor that requires no support from other system resources, which further simplifies its implementation





Chip Architecture


  • It is 100% digital
  • It operates at a relatively low frequency (24.576MHz clock)
  • The volume controls, BIQUAD (parametric EQ) filters and matrix filters are programmed via I2C
  • It requires minimal peripheral circuitry (clock oscillator, power supplies)
  • It requires very little glue logic and support circuitry


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